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Black Lyretail Molly

Black Lyretail Molly

Black Lyretail Molly 4cm

  • Breed information

    Poecilia Sphenop - These fish are a vibrant and easy to care for addition to any aquarium. The Lyretail Molly has an ovoid body shape and elongated tail fin tips.

    Originally hailing from Mexico and some parts of the U.S, they are particularly popular due to their peaceful non agressive natures and ease of breeding. If you have a male and a female, chances are you'll soon be getting live babies! After breeding the female will give birth to live babies after around 8 weeks, when born, the fry are around 1cm and are fully independent.

    Maximum size: 9 - 11.5cm

    Lifespan: 3-5 years

    Temperature: 22-28 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater fish of a similar temperament.

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellets


5 for £13

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