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Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 2"

  • Breed information

    Rocio Octofasciata - These fish have an oval body with flecks of metallic blue and darker stripes.

    Originating in Southern Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala, these fish prefer a solitary existence and do not play well with others of their breed. They are somewhat aggressive (hence why they are named after a famous boxer) but will live with other american cichlids. They love to dig in an aquarium and spend much of their time along the bottom of the tank. 

    Maximum size: 20cm

    Lifespan: 10-15 years

    Temperature: 25-28 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other american cichlids such as Oscars, Firemouth and Convicts.

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellet. High Protein.


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