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Golden Algae Eater

Golden Algae Eater

Golden Algae Eater 3cm

  • Breed information

    Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri - As it's name suggests this loach has a long slender golden body.

    Originating from Northern India and now farm raised in Southeast Asia, these algae eaters are ideal for helping to keep your tank algae free as they are always moving and cover a lot of ground. These loaches are peaceful and will happily live with just about anything but do prefer to be in a small group and can be  aggressive if provoked or with similar shaped fish such as silver sharks, red tailed sharks etc.

    Maximum size: 15cm

    Lifespan: 10 years

    Temperature: 24-27 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater fish of a similar size but different shape.

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellets

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