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Long Finned Zebra Danio

Long Finned Zebra Danio

Long Finned Zebra Danios 1.5cm

  • Breed information

    Danio Rerio - These small fish have a long slender body with the most recognisable colour variant being the Zebra Danio due to its stripes. There are also other colour variations such as Leopard, Pearl, Golden.

    Originating in India and South Asia these fish make a lively addition to any community aquarium and are very easy to keep adapting nicely to most water conditions. These fish are sometimes used to promote more sociable behaviour within a tank as they are that sociable themselves! Preferring to shoal, a group of at least 6 would be recommended.

    Maximum size: 5-6cm

    Lifespan: 2-5 years

    Temperature: 17-24 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater fish of a similar size.

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellets

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