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Male Plakat Halfmoon Koi Betta

Male Plakat Halfmoon Koi Betta

Male Plakat Halfmoon Koi Betta 5cm - Please note the male will differ in colour and patternation from those pictured.

To see our full range of bettas, it's best to call in to our shop as we change stock regularly.

  • Breed information

    Betta Splendens - Sometimes referred to as Siamese Fighting Fish, these fish are renowned for their brilliant bright colours and long flowing fins.

    Orignally found in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Thailand where they live in slow moving streams, rivers and rice paddies. The males do not play well with other betta (male or female), guppies or gouramis and prefer to be kept in a tank with very little water movement.

    Maximum size: 7.5cm

    Lifespan: up to 4 years

    Temperature: 25-27 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater tropical fish that do not have flowing fins.

    Feeding: Good Quality Betta Flake, Bloodworm & Brine Shrimp. 

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