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Serpae Tetra

Serpae Tetra

Serpae Tetra 2cm

  • Breed Information

    Megalamphodus Eques - This tetra has an oval red body which darkens near the dorsal fin with two black spots, one near the gills and one on the dorsal fin. Native to South America. As it has a reputation for fin nipping, it is best kept with non long finned ftish.

    Maximum size: 4cm

    Lifespan: 5-7 years

    Temperature: 22-26 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater fish of a similar size and temperament and no long fins. 

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellets


    Tetra Overview:

    Tetra are one of the most popular fish for an aquarium as they come in a variety of colours and sizes but are all easy to keep and relatively hardy. They are found across the globe and are a peaceful addition to any tank. Tetra like to shoal so should be kept in groups of at least 5.


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